Service Write-up with Certified Integrated Auto Dealer Software
The previous article "The Need for Service Write-up Integration" described how a typical morning drop off in a busy Service Department that does not have auto dealer software certified for integrations with the auto manufacturer is not conducive to finding out if a vehicle has an open campaign. Gathering campaign information at the time of write-up is crucial to customer service, service revenue and could even have legal implications. The service bay write-up needs to improve.
Let's think about possible solutions for this problem.
- Have the service adviser run a VIN Inquiry using the automaker dealer portal to get open campaigns during the write-up process.
- The service advisor will have to rekey vehicle information into the auto manufacturer portal and possibly even on a separate terminal/PC.
- This will add time to the morning rush.
- Have the service adviser run the VIN Inquiries after the line of people have been waited on.
- Though this is a logical idea to solve the long wait caused by the first solution it will lead to delays getting the vehicle to the technician for repair.
- It doesn't eliminate the possibility of “phone tag” with the customer.
- Have the technicians run a VIN Inquiry on every vehicle they work on. Technicians need to be more than 100% efficient in a good Service Department.
- Adding this step to their process could bring down their efficiency and, like number 2, it doesn't eliminate the possibility of “customer phone tag”.
- The dealership may also have an issue with computer accessibility in the service bay area. You don't want a technician waiting in a line to run a VIN Inquiry if not needed.
The Solution
The solution is a Service VIN Inquiry process that is fully integrated with the repair order write-up process. Fortunately, many auto manufacturers and auto dealer software providers provide integration. Once the service advisor enters the VIN, odometer and customer name (this varies by auto manufacturer) the auto dealer software initiates a VIN Inquiry while the service advisor continues the write up process. Before the service advisor is done with the customer, the VIN information is returned for review.
The functionality and format in which the data is returned varies by dealer management system. Some variations include the VIN information being sent directly to a printer in the repair order write-up area or displayed on screen for the service adviser to review. Additional functionality would include a pop-up window with an option to automatically add the campaign to the repair order and printing the parts picking ticket for the campaign in the Parts Department.
If you are not using a certified integrated VIN Inquiry solution, make the change. Contact your dealership software provider today to get signed up. If you have a dealership in which the auto maker does not offer an integrated VIN Inquiry solution, contact Oxlo today and we will get in contact with the auto manufacturer to make the integration a reality.
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auto dealer software,
service vin inquiry,
Auto Manufacturer,
Automotive Solutions