Monthly Retail Delivery Reporting of New Vehicle Sales Can Be a Daunting Task for Auto Dealers
It's the end of the month, time for the monthly retail delivery reporting to the auto manufacturer and there is a stack of deal jackets sitting in your office. You do anything to avoid the stack knowing eventually the work will need to be done. The stack of new vehicle sales will need to be reported to the auto manufacturer in order to meet sales goals for your dealership and earn the monthly incentive. If you don't get the vehicles reported, it will be you that will need to explain to the General Manager or Dealer Principal why they didn't earn that additional incentive that allows them to afford the trip to Hawaii in February with the wife and kids.
The VIN is just a small piece of the vehicle sales report. As you enter the customer information, insurance, extended service plan and possibly more (depending on the automaker) the true frustration of this task sets in. All of the information you are manually entering is already in your dealer management software. You ask yourself, why do I have to renter all of this data into the automaker's portal when it has already been entered into my system during the sales process. Vehicle delivery reporting, for many automakers, no longer needs to be a dreaded end of the month task. Many automakers have worked with Dealer System Providers to develop integrated solutions that electronically send the the information directly from your dealer management system to the automaker. These solutions vary from real-time submission at the time of contracting to programs that create a single file of multiple vehicle sales over night for batch processing. Automotive dealer management software integration solutions come to the rescue by streamlining the new vehicle sales process, providing a better retail delivery reporting experience to the manufacturer and increasing transparency in meeting sales goals during the time of the month when a dealership can actually do something about obtaining the goals.
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