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Which Auto Dealer Management Software is the Best?

Which auto dealer software (DMS or F&I) is the best? This is a common question that has been asked by auto dealers.

Surveys, polls, and focus groups have tried to answer this question without success for many years. Why? They are asking the wrong question. When investigating auto dealer management software, dealers should be asking; which is the best auto dealer software for my dealership?

Automotive dealerships are unique in many ways. Auto dealers are not like McDonalds, Walmart or Target in that they are very similar in operations throughout the country. Auto dealership operations can vary greatly based on a number of factors that include but are not limited to the following:;the best auto dealer management software

  • Vehicle Brand
  • Location
  • New/Used Vehicles Sold
  • Service Repair Order Volume

One of the most often overlooked factors is the physical dimensions of the dealership building. The size of the parts warehouse affects the ordering ability of a Parts Manager. A smaller warehouse limits the number of parts that can be kept in stock which will most likely lead to more special purchases.

The configuration of the Service Department affects the write-up and repair process. Many dealerships don't have an indoor service lane to perform a walk around with a customer. Service Advisors need to go outside and perform their walk around in the elements. The number of Service Bays affects shop scheduling and thus the number of vehicles that can be serviced.

I could go into more examples throughout the dealership, but I think you get the point. Due to the differences, auto dealer business processes vary from dealership to dealership. It is important to consider your particular dealerships business processes when investing in auto dealer management software. Some dealerships focus to much on the features and functionality and only use about half of what the DMS or F&I system offers. Other auto dealers look solely at the cost of the software and struggle because they are missing the features and functionality they need.

So what is the best auto dealer management software? There is a simple answer. Is it the system that offers:

  1. The most features and functionality but costs the most.
  2. Less features and functionality but costs less.
  3. A mid range of features and functionality for a mid range cost.

The correct answer could be 1, 2 or 3. The best auto dealer management software is the one that supports and/or enhances your business processes and produces a return on investment. There are many good auto dealer management software products to support a dealership. Make sure you do your homework and choose the best DMS or F&I for your dealership.

rich norwood auto dealer management software experience image Rich has over 19 years automotive solutions experience with auto dealer management software. Over his 15 years with Reynolds & Reynolds (then UCS), his responsibilities included dealer management software support, auto dealer software installation, auto manufacturer account management and dealership consulting.

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Tags: auto dealer software, Dealer Management Software, Auto Dealer

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